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24 Queensbrook, Spa Road, Bolton BL1 4AY
t: 01204 522236   f: 01204 525355


Some of the sites that we find most useful.


National Assembly for Wales

UK legislation from the Stationery Office

Planning Inspectorate

Land Registry - English and Welsh sites

Local Government Ombudsman - England

Local Government Ombudsman - Wales and Welsh language site

The Department for Communities and Local Government planning site - includes planning policy statements

The Environment Agency

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - DEFRA

Main government website for sustainable development


North West England site with many links

Planning magazine

The Royal Town Planning Institute

Development Control Services planning information

English Heritage

CADW The Welsh historic buildings agency

Wales information site

The Planning Portal a major governmental initiative aimed at making the planning system accessible and understandable to all - you can't get a more challenging objective than that!

The Ordnance Survey

The met office - but we still get wet site visits!

Countryside Council for Wales


Google - our favourite search engine

Zen - our Internet Services provider
